Pool Tips: Salt Water Vs. Chlorine Pools

Salt Water Pools Vs. Chlorine Pools

An ongoing debate in the pool industry, the merits of saltwater versus chlorinated pool systems will probably never be decided. Both systems have pros and cons, and which system you prefer greatly depends on your lifestyle, your budget, and how much time you want to spend on your pool’s maintenance. Traditional chlorinated pools are more popular, but many people prefer saltwater pools vs chlorine pools.

How Do Saltwater Pools Work?

The main difference between these two types of pools is how the pool is chlorinated. A common misconception is that saltwater pools do not contain chlorine, which is false. Saltwater pools chlorinate by converting the salt into chlorine using a saltwater generator. This means that chlorine does not need to be manually added and saltwater pools contain less chlorine than traditionally chlorinated pools.

Saltwater Pools: The Pros & Cons

Due to the lower amounts of chlorine in saltwater pools, the water tends to be less drying to the skin, which is great if you use your pool often. Saltwater pools typically need less frequent maintenance than traditional chlorine pools and require less chemicals. As a result, saltwater pools cost less money over time, and the installation often pays for itself within the first 2 or 3 years of ownership.

One of the main drawbacks to a saltwater pool is the initial cost of installation, which can be upwards of $5,000 greater. In addition to this higher initial cost, there is also the cost of the generator, which needs to run every day and can run up your electric bill. There is also some debate about saltwater truly being the low maintenance option. Salt levels do need to be closely monitored and adjusted, and less chlorine in the water means that the pH balance of the pool may also need to be adjusted if it becomes unbalanced.

Traditional Chlorine Pools: The Pros & Cons

Compared to saltwater pools, one of the biggest benefits to chlorine pools is that they are less expensive to install. Also, since chlorine pools are more popular, it is easy to find the materials and equipment you need to maintain it. Chlorine tablets are readily available at any pool store and other major retailer chains. In addition, chlorine pool systems are also fairly user friendly and easy to operate. Lastly, the higher levels of chlorine mean that these pools are more effective at keeping algae and bacteria at bay.

Although they may be less expensive to install, the cost of chlorine tablets adds up quickly, and these pools may actually cost more money over time. The time spent regularly monitoring chlorine levels and adding chlorine tablets to the pool every few days is another main argument against chlorine pools. Lastly, the higher amounts of chemicals in water may irritate sensitive skin.

Only you can make the final decision on whether to install a saltwater vs chlorine pool. Each system has its benefits and drawbacks, but hopefully this helped outline the main differences in choosing between salt water pool vs chlorine!