In the desert, we try not to think about the summer months, especially during the winter when the weather is so absolutely wonderful, but there is one time we at New Image Landscape and Pools think you should make an exception. The beautiful weather has us puttering around in our yards, cleaning up the kids toys that were abandoned when the temperatures soared and adding beautiful bowls of color to help us enjoy our yards even more. This is our favorite time of the year to be outside, so why not take advantage of these moments and start preparing a sanctuary that will make the summer days bearable?
Your Arizona Lawn Journey Starts Now
When summer hits, the first thing you seek is the coolness of shade. Many hours will be spent lounging in colorful Adirondack chairs, watching your children play in the sprinklers, in the pool, or even riding their bikes around your carefully blocked off cul de sac. But without a tree, there will be no shade, and with no shade, these types of memories will not occur! So, get out your shovels, mulch, and root stimulator, and let’s plant a tree. SRP offers a program for free trees, as they help lower utility bills and clean the air, or you can go to your nearest nursery and plant the one you like the most. (Fall is the perfect time for planting trees, in case you were wondering!) For instant gratification, you may want to go for one of the larger boxes; big trees do cost more, but the shade, beauty, and style they impart to your Arizona lawn are worth the added expense!
Throwing Even More Shade (In the Best of Ways)
Trees are a healthy and beautiful way to add shade to your yard, but they aren’t the only option, and for those who don’t have large enough yards or those worried about the proximity of roots to their pool, we suggest adding a gazebo or pergola to the space. These hardscape structures can be made as large or as small as the area can handle and can extend your outdoor fun time late into the summer season. Add a small television and an outdoor bar and your gazebo can become party central, all the while adding a warmth and interest to your landscape that will make it your favorite place to be. Add soft white curtains, tied to the posts when not in use, and candlelit dinners will make your evenings romantic even as you stay cool under its protective awning.
Color Brings Your Yard to Life
Desert landscaping is a popular option, especially as water conservation is imperative in our arid climate, but unlike many versions you may have noticed in your travels throughout your neighborhood, it doesn’t have to be sparse, stark, and severe. Many drought-friendly plants create amazingly colorful blooms, including the purple Ruellia, desert marigold, and the richly dramatic Bird of Paradise with its vibrant red blooms. Line the front of your home with colors that stand out against your beige, tan, or gold stucco, plant a garden of fiery sombrero salsa red coneflowers, or add some planters to your porch, filled with colorful and pot friendly blooms. There doesn’t have to be a plan; some of the best gardens have been planted haphazardly over the years, growing wild and free and adding romance and style to the yards in which they are planted!
Water Features for the Win
The peaceful sounds of water trickling in a fountain will calm you on summer evenings when you think you just can’t handle another minute of the chaos that is your real life. Fountains come in many shapes and sizes and are an easy addition to your oasis, no matter how large or how small your yard may be. Choose one that hangs on the wall of your compact townhome patio and feel the stress leave your body as you sit nearby, perhaps sipping your favorite chardonnay and contemplating the beauty of the full moon that glows overhead. Go all out and build a serious structure that can be the centerpiece of your front yard, surrounded by more of those desert blooms. Or choose something in between as you realize that the peace you seek can be found in the simple things and a table top fountain works as well as more elaborate ones!
The Sanctuary You Deserve
The negatives of summer in the desert can be outweighed by the beauty you add to your personal oasis, and there are many more ways to create a yard that welcomes and embraces; give us a call today and let’s work together to create the sanctuary you deserve!